Note Value Classical Term | Note Value Modern Term | Note Duration | Equivalent to: |
Semibreve | Whole Note | 4 Beats | 4 Crotchets or 2 Minims |
Minim | Half Note | 2 Beats | 2 Crotchets or 4 Quavers |
Crotchet | Quarter Note | 1 Beats | 2 Quavers or 4 Semiquavers |
Quaver | Eighth Note | 1/2 of one Beat | 2 Semiquavers |
Semiquaver | Sixteenth Note | 1/4 of one Beat | 2 Demisemiquavers |
Demisemiquaver | Thirtysecond Note | 1/8th of one Beat | 2 Semi- demisemiquavers |
In order to increase the value of a note or rest, a Dot is placed after it. This has the effect of increasing the value of the note by half as much again. eg a Dotted Semibreve would have the equivalent value of a semibreve and a Minim. a Dotted Minim would be equal to three Crotchets or three Quarter Notes. a Dotted Crotchet is equal to 1 1/2 Crotchets or 3 Quavers. A Dotted Quaver is equal to 3 Sixteenth notes etc.... The same applies to Dotted Rests except that where you have a note being held for half as long again, with Dotted Rests you have Silence.